Viewer Engagement Mobile Game APP


The unique world of spellings - Classmate Spell Bee, an initiative by Radio Mirchi! Presenting season nine of India's largest school level spelling competition.To create a game centric application that would engage the show lovers along with the emerging spell game fans, and also become a participation platform for students to join the show.


Designing for kids is a serious business. Biggest challenge was to identify kids mental model and how they perceive daily objects around them. It was necessary to identify and organize the information and find those features that distinguish UX created specifically for the children from ordinary adult [boring] interfaces.

  • Colors.
  • Gestures.
  • Interaction.
  • User behavior.
  • Perception of graphics and real-life metaphors.
  • Fonts.
  • Animation and sound effects.
  • Navigation.


User research is a key part of my design process, especially when users are kids. For kids the experience is brand new, whereas for adults their life is filled with experiences and biases. During the early stage, I visited school and tuition classes just to observe children's study, play with toys, what captures their attention, what element makes them stick to anything and how they interact.

Target age was determined, group was created in the same age range to observe their behaviours and to take notes. After taking notes and observations I took them to next level by setting up a scenario related to our product to see how kids react.


A co-design activity filled with fun and insights, is a fantastic method for understanding how children see the world. This involves gathering groups of children together, giving them word challenges, and having them come up with their own design ideas for your product.

Interestingly most of the kids wanted to write on school boards, for them it was more exciting than anything else.

Ideate: This exercise helped me understand the feelings children have towards our product and their interests which will keep them engaged.

With the solid background of understanding users and their needs in the Empathise stage, I analysed and synthesized my observations in the Define stage, I started generating ideas to identify new solutions to the problem statement I have created, and start to look for alternate ways to look at the problem.


The design was kept exactly like a real classroom board to make it simple and obvious. Kids loved interacting with the board as they would do in a classroom.


I then moved on to Visual Design. The Brand Guidelines had already been created —which colours, type, elements to use and how to use them — the task here was to combine them to enhance the overall usability, improve the experience and facilitate the user’s learning curve and adaptability.

Understanding of above steps, wireframes with solutions were then transformed into visual designs followed by clickable Prototype



A Game Packed with interactive multilevel spell game:

  • - First learn the meaning of the word
  • - The game starts with the alphabets flying across the screen, Slice to select the correct alphabets out of all
  • - Avoid slicing alphabets with no connection to the word (Deduction in Life)
  • - Keep waiting for the power Ups to pop out on the screen along with the words, each power up is unique in nature.
  • - Keep playing and keep crossing different level with different set of words to solve
  • - Keep playing and collecting words in your word chest to view your name in the leader board of the game and get a chance to win a surprise gift
  • - It’s not all!! Share your best score on social media with Facebook . Learn and have Fun.


Take a quick challenge of selecting 50 correctly spelt words in 5 minutes and get your score instantly! Under Take the Test section Spell Challenge Series is a set of time based spelling tests. A user has to register and take the test. This series has 10 levels and each level has 75 questions and answers are in multiple choice format. The user will score points for each right answer and they can view their score and their rank on the leaderboard


Discover a new English word everyday to spell better and enhance your vocabulary. You also get to learn the meaning and language of origin of each word and how to use it in a sentence. Now the Power Word of the Day is even more powerful with the Archive, where you can get power words for the past days. For every new word of the day you get a Notification. Learn and have Fun.